Tablet BM 31251

NaBuCCo ID 1313
Museum No. BM 31251
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Hiring
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Nbn. 299
Paraphrase Hire of a slave. Fragmentary.
A leases a slave (C) to B for an annual payment of 9 shekels of silver. Half the rent should be paid in the middle of the year, the rest at the end of the year. Remainder is broken off. Names of 2 witnesses and the scribe: Nabû-ṭabtani-uṣur/Kittia//Šangû-Ea
A = Itti-Marduk-balāṭu/Nabû-ahhē-iddin//Egibi; B = Ina-ṣilli-Bēl; C = Bar-imu(?), slave of A
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbn. yy-V-dd