Tablet BM 32159

NaBuCCo ID 1165
Museum No. BM 32159
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Wunsch 2000 136
Paraphrase Sale of land and receipt of purchase price.
[…] in front of the Uraš Gate in the district (pīhatu) of Babylon: upper long side in the North near (the property of) A, the buyer, lower long side in the South near the land of the Uraš Temple; upper front in the West along the bank (kišādu) of the Euphrates, lower front in the East along the Piqūdu Canal. This land (whose surface area is lost in a lacuna) is made up partly of land planted with trees (zēru zaqpu) valued at 1 mina and 20 shekels of silver, and partly of wasteland (kišubbû) valued at 12 shekels of silver. A declares the equivalent for this land together with the seller B (A itti B mahīra nabû išām) to be 1 mina and 32 shekels of silver, plus 2 shekels of silver as additional payment (kî atri). B acknowledges that he has received (eṭēru) 1 mina and 32 shekels of silver in pieces (šibirtu) and he is satisfied (apil). The parties agree that in future times there will be no claims or suits against each other, not even between members of their families – otherwise, any future claimant (pāqirānu) will have to repay twelvefold the silver he received. The field will be measured, and should it be found larger or smaller than what was originally calculated they will compensate each other (ahāmiš apālu) according to the field-price ratio (mahīru) they agreed upon. Names of 3 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Itti-Marduk-balāṭu/Nabû-ahhē-iddin//Egibi; B = Nabû-aplu-iddin/Marduk-šumu-iddin//Šangû-Gula
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. yy---dd