Tablet BM 30645

NaBuCCo ID 1106
Museum No. BM 30645
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Court protocol
Period NB
Year BCE 543
Editio princeps Nbn. 668
Paraphrase Decision record, royal judges. About the settlement of a silver debt after the debtors' death
B1 and his wife (fB2) owed 3 minas and 50 shekels of silver to A. See also Mnb1809 (= TCL 12 122). A legal dispute arose about this debt between the creditor and C, the debtors' heir (iarītu), set against the background of the inheritance of the couple's property (nikkassu) in general, and their encumbered slaves (amīlūtu bīt maškāni) in particular. C declared that he does not want to take upon himself (epēšu) his father's inheritance (iaritūtu), and A should satisfy his claim (šalāmu) from (ina) the lien (bīt maškāni) on B1's slaves (amīlūtu) . Thereupon (arki), the creditor brought (abālu) four slaves (D1-4) from B1's household (nišū bīti) whom had been pledged to him before (ana mahar) the king's judges. They decide in his favor, and grant him the ownership over the slaves (pāni šudgulu) in lieu of (kūm) his claim of 3 minas and 50, being equal to the slaves' full market value (šīmu). They have been transferred to him (nadānu), he has received them (mahāru) and is satisfied (apālu) so that he cannot bring suit in the future (rugummu ul īšu). In order that there may never again be a lawsuit (la sahāru-ma la ragāmu) in the future (matima) about these slaves, the judges issued a written statement (ṭuppu šaṭāru), sealed it (barāmu) with their seals and gave it to A. Names of 5 witnesses, all judges (dayyānu), introduced by the formula ina mahar "before" and further identified as ṭuppi šāṭir "writer of the tablet". Second listed witness-judge is Nabû-ahhē-iddin//Egibi.
A = Bēl-rēmanni/Lâbāši-Marduk//Ašgandu; B1 = Arad-Gula(/Nabû-ile’’i//Bā'iru); fB2 =  fDamqāya, wife of B1; C = Nergal-uballiṭ; fD1 = fAna-Tašmētu-atkal, slave of B1; fD2 = fAmtia, slave of B1; fD3 = Nanāya-ana-bītišu, slave of B1; D4 = Zababa-iddina, slave of B1.
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbn. yy-XI-dd