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Total results: 4778
Author Publication year Title Short Title
Frahm, Eckart 1999-2000 Šamaš-šumu-ukīn, die Herrin von Ninive und das babylonische Königssiegel AfO 46/47 (1999/2000), 156-182
Waerzeggers, Caroline 1999-2000 The Records of In‚abtu from theNaggāru Family AfO 46/47 (1999/2000), 183-200
Müller, Gefrid G.W. 1999-2000 Rv. A.L. Slotsky, The Bourse of Babylon. Market Quotations in the Astronomical Diaries of Babylonia (1997) AfO 46/47 (1999/2000), 201-207
Zadok, Ran 1999-2000 Geographical, onomastic, and lexical notes AfO 46/47 (1999/2000), 208-212
Jursa, Michael 1999-2000 Rv. D.T. Potts, Mesopotamian Civilization. the Material foundations (Ahlone Publications in Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 1997) AfO 46/47 (1999/2000), 290-295
Oelsner, Joachim 1999-2000 Rv. R. Rollinger, Herodots babylonischer Logos (1993) AfO 46/47 (1999/2000), 373-380
Oelsner, Joachim 1999-2000 Rv. G. Frame, Babylonia 689-627 B.C. A Political History (PIHANS 69, 1992) AfO 46/47 (1999/2000), 383-385
Stolper, Matthew W. 1999-2000 Kanalarbeiten: Kopie von BM 74538 (Jursa, AfO Beih. 25, S. 182 Nr. 65) AfO 46/47 (1999/2000), 49
Gallagher, William 2001-2002 Neo-Babylonian Stone Fragments AfO 48/49 (2001/2002), 105-106
Steele, John M. 2001-2002 The Meaning of BAR DIB in Late Babylonian Astronomical Texts AfO 48/49 (2001/2002), 107-112
Gerber, C. 2001-2002 Rv. H. Hunger and D. Pingree, Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia, HdO 44 (Leiden and Boston/Köln 1999) AfO 48/49 (2001/2002), 244-247
Schileico, Woldemar G. 1928-1929 Ein babylonischer Weihtext in griechischer Schrift AfO 5 (1928/1929), 11-13
Fincke, Jeanette 2003-2004 The Babylonian Texts of Nineveh. Report on the British Museum's Ashurbanipal Library Project AfO 50 (2003/2004)
Waerzeggers, Caroline 2003-2004 The Babylonian Revolts against Xerxes and the 'End of Archives' AfO 50 (2003/2004), 150-173
Da Riva, Rocío 2003-2004 Pfründen in Eanna in der Zeit der Unruhe. AfO 50 (2003/2004), 245-254
Waerzeggers, Caroline 2003-2004 Three Court Records. AfO 50 (2003/2004), 255-268
Al-Rawi, Farouk , N.H. 2003-2004 IM 44152: A Jupiter Observational Tablet from Uruk. AfO 50 (2003/2004), 340-344
Hunger, Hermann 2003-2004 A Procedure Text for Jupiter. AfO 50 (2003/2004), 344-345
MacGinnis, John 2003-2004 Rv. R. Da Riva, Der Ebabbar-Tempel von Sippar in frühneubabylonischer Zeit (=AOAT 291). AfO 50 (2003/2004), 406-410
Ehrenberg, Erica 2003-2004 Rv. G. Lindstrom, Uruk: Siegelabdrücke auf hellenistischen Tonbullen und Tontafeln (AUWE 20). AfO 50 (2003/2004), 447-449
Oelsner, Joachim 2005-2006 Der "Hilprecht-Text": der Jenaer astronomisch-Mathematische Tafel HS 245 (früher HS 229) und die Paralleltexte Sm 162 (CT 33, 11) Rs. Sowie Sm 1113 (AfO 18, 393f.). AfO 51 (2005/2006), 108-124
Scurlock, JoAnn 2005-2006 Sorcery in the Stars: STT 300, BRM 4.19-20 and the Mandaic Book of the Zodiac. AfO 51 (2005/2006), 125-146
Zadok, Ran 2005-2006 The Text Group of Nabu-eter. AfO 51 (2005/2006), 147-197
Abraham, Kathleen 2005-2006 West Semitic and Judean Brides in Cuneiform Sources from the Sixth Century BCE. New Evidence from a Marriage Contract from Al-Yahudu. AfO 51 (2005/2006), 198-219
MacGinnis, John 2005-2006 Rv. G. van Driel, Elusive Silver. In search of a role for a market in an agrarian enviroment. Aspects of Mesopotamian Society. Leiden. 2002. AfO 51 (2005/2006), 315-318
MacGinnis, John 2005-2006 Rv. B. Jankovic, Vogelzucht und Vogelfang in Sippar im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (= AOAT 315). AfO 51 (2005/2006), 318-321
Hunger, Hermann 2005-2006 Rv. J.M. Steele and A. Imhausen (eds). Under One Sky. Astronomy and Mathematics in the Ancient Near East (=AOAT 297) AfO 51 (2005/2006), 350-352
Werba, Chlodwig H. 2005-2006 Rv. R. Schmitt. Meno-logium Bagistano-Persepolitanum. Studien zu den altpersischen Monatsnamen and ihren elamischen Wiedergaben (SbÖAW 705, Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 30) AfO 51 (2005/2006), 412-417
Hunger, Hermann 2005-2006 On the "Atypical Astronomical Cuneiform Text E". A mean-value scheme for predicting lunar latitude AfO 51 (2005/2006), 96-107
Baker, Heather D. 2011 The statue of Bēl in the Ninurta temple at Babylon AfO 52 (2011), 117-120
Brack-Bernsen, Lis 2011 Prediction of Days and Pattern of the Babylonian Lunar Six AfO 52 (2011), 156-178
Arnold, Bill T. 2011 Aramean Origins: The Evidence from Babylonia AfO 52 (2011), 179-185
Abraham, Kathleen 2011 Aramaic Loanwords in Akkadian — a Reassessment of the Proposals AfO 52 (2011), 22-76
Ossendrijver, Mathieu 2011 Rv. P.J. Huber and S. De Meis 2004: Babylonian Eclipse Observations from 750 BC to 1 BC AfO 52 (2011), 269-272
Hackl, Johannes 2011 Neue spätbabylonische Lehrverträge aus dem British Museum und der Yale Babylonian Collection AfO 52 (2011), 77-97
Radner, Karen 2011 Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Archaeological Museum of Sulaimaniya AfO 52 (2011), 98-103
Mendelsohn, Iitzhak 1971 Slaves, Slavery Ahituv and Mendelsohn 1971
Aimé-Giron, Noël 1931 Textes araméens d'Égypte Aimé-Giron 1931
Waerzeggers, Caroline 1997 Le précatif: forme de politesse en néo-babylonien Akkadica 101 (1997), 30-35
Battini, Laura 1997 Les systèmes défensifs à Babylon Akkadica 104-105 (1997), 24-57
Vallat, François 2000 Une inscription élamite sur un rhyton en argent à tête de bélier Akkadica 116 (2000), 29-33
Hunger, Hermann 2000 Uses of Enūma Anu Enlil for Chronology Akkadica 119-120 (2000), 155-158
Waerzeggers, Caroline 2001 A Note on the Marriage Gift biblu in the Neo-Babylonian Period Akkadica 122 (2001), 65-70
De Graef, Katrien 2002 Ay amši aqram... Que je n´oublie jamais ce qui est précieux... Akkadica 123/2 (2002), 119-129
De Meyer, Léon 2002 Proposition sur les destructions de Mari à l´époque d´Agadé Akkadica 123/2 (2002), 131-135
Vallat, François 2002 La Dame faite prisonnière à Babylone Akkadica 123/2 (2002), 137-144
Tavernier, Jan 2002 Non-Elamite Individuals in Achaemenid Persepolis Akkadica 123/2 (2002), 145-152
Battini, Laura 2002 De l´étude des sceaux: quelques nouvelles pistes en partant de l´analyse du sceau A 27902 de l´Oriental Institute Museum de Chicago Akkadica 123/2 (2002), 153-161
Overlaet, Bruno 2002 The Chalcolihic and Early Bronze Age in Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan (West-Iran), Chronology and Mesopotamian contacts Akkadica 123/2 (2002), 163-181
Gurzadyan, Vahe G. 2003 The Venus Tablet and Refraction Akkadica 124 (2003), 13-17.

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