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Total results: 4778
Author Publication year Title Short Title
Cameron, George G. 1955 The Idea of History in the Ancient Near East (Ancient Persia: 1. Prologue - 2. theSetting - 3. "Faher" Cyrus and History Rewritten - 4. "Huckster" Darius and History Remade - 5. Return to Old Ideas) AOS 38 (1955), 77-97
Reade, Julian E. 1987 Babylonian Boundary-Stones and Comparable Monuments in the British Museum ARRIM 5 (1987), 47-51
Frayne, Douglas R. 1989 Cuneiform Texts in the Collections of McGill University, Montreal ARRIM 7 (1989), 1-54
Peters, Celeste A. 1990 Cuneiform Texts at the University of British Columbia ARRIM 8 (1990), 49-62
Peters, Celeste A. 1990 The U.B.C. Collections ARRIM 8 (1990), 59-62
Donbaz, Veysel 1991 A Brick Inscription of Nabonidus from Harran ARRIM 9 (1991), 11-12
Watanabe, Kazuko 1988 Ein neuer Beleg für das "Bett" des Gottes Šamaš ASJ 10 (1988), 229-230
Beaulieu, Paul-A. 1991 UBARA (EZENxKASKAL)ki = Udannu ASJ 13 (1991), 97-109
Beaulieu, Paul-A. 1992 Antiquarian theology in Seleucid Uruk ASJ 14 (1992), 47-75
MacGinnis, John 1993 The Manumission of a Royal Slave ASJ 15 (1993), 99-106
Matsushima, Eiko 1994 On the Material Related to the Clothing Ceremony - lubuštu in the Later Periods in Baby1onia, ASJ 16 (1994), 177-200.
Beaulieu, Paul-A. 1995 An Excerpt from a Menology with Reverse Writing ASJ 17 (1995), 1-14
Matsushima, Eiko 1995 Some Remarks on Divine garments: kusītu and nahlaptu, ASJ 17 (1995), 233-249.
Zadok, Ran 1997 A Late Babylonian Boat Rental ASJ 19 (1997), 797-814
Matsushima, Eiko 1998 On the Lubuštu-Ceremony of Bēl in the Seventh Century B.C. ASJ 20 (1998), 111-119
Streck, Michael , P. 1998 The Tense Systems in theSumerian-Akkadian Linguistic Area ASJ 20 (1998), 181-199
Matsushima, Eiko 1985 Le "lit" de Šamaš et le rituel du mariage à l'Ebabbar ASJ 7 (1985), 129-137
Shea, William H. 1983 Wrestling with the Prince of Persia: A Study on Daniel 10 AUSS 21 (1983), 225-250
Shea, William H. 1971 An Unrecognized King of Babylon in the Early Achaemenid Period AUSS 9 (1971), 99-128
Gehlken, Erlend 1996 Uruk. Spätbabylonische Wirtschaftstexte aus dem Eanna-Archiv. Teil II. Texte verschiedenen Inhalts (AUWE 11) AUWE 11
von Weiher, Egbert 1993 Uruk. Spätbabylonische Texte aus dem Planquadrat U 18. Teil IV, AUWE 12 (Mainz) AUWE 12
von Weiher, Egbert 1998 Uruk. Spätbabylonische Texte aus dem Planquadrat U 18, Teil V, AUWE 13 (Mainz) AUWE 13
Ehrenberg, Erica 1999 Uruk. Late Babylonian Seal Impressions on Eanna-Tablets (AUWE 18) AUWE 18
Gehlken, Erlend 1990 Uruk. Spätbabylonische Wirtschaftstexte aus dem Eanna-Archiv. Teil I. Texte verschiedenen Inhalts (AUWE 5) AUWE 5
Kessler, Karlheinz 1991 Uruk. Urkunden aus Privathäusern in Uruk. Die Wohnhäuser westlich des Eanna-Tempelbereichs. Teil: Die Archive der Söhne des Bēl-ušallim, des Nabû-ušallim and des Bēl-supê-muhur AUWE 8
Aaboe, Asger 1968 Some Lunar Auxiliary Tables and Related Texts from the Late Babylonian Period, KDVSMM 36/12 (Kopenhagen) Aaboe 1968
Aaboe, Asger 1969 A Computed List of New Moons for 319 B.C. to 316 B.C. from Babylon: BM 40094, KDVSMM 37/3 (Kopenhagen) Aaboe 1969
Aaboe, Asger 1974 Scientific Astronomy in Antiquity Aaboe 1974
Aaboe, Asger 1977 A Computed Cuneiform Text for Mercury from Babylon: BM 48147 Aaboe 1977
Aaboe, Asger 2002 On Columns H and J in Babylonian Lunar theory of System B Aaboe 2002
Aaboe, Asger 1977 A Text Concerning the Subdivision of the Synodic Motion of Venus from Babylon: BM 37151 Aaboe and Huber 1977
Aaboe, Asger 1991 Saros Cycle Dates and Related Babylonian Astronomical Texts, TAPS 81,6 (Philadelphia) Aaboe;Britton;Henderson;Neugebauer;Sachs
Aaboe, Asger 1979 Contributions to the Study of Babylonian Lunar Theory, KDVSMM 40/6 (København) Aaboe;Hamilton 1979
Abraham, Kathleen 1992 The Dowry Clause in Marriage Documents from the First Millenium B.C.E. Abraham 1992
Abraham, Kathleen 1995 The End of Marduk-Nā‚ir-Apli´s Career as Businessman and Scribe. New Evidence from Unpublished Egibi Texts from the British Museum Abraham 1995
Abraham, Kathleen 2004 Business and Politics under the Persian Empire. The Financial Dealings of Marduk-nāṣir-apli of the House of Egibi (521-487 B.C.E.) Abraham 2004
Abraham, Kathleen 2007 An Inheritance Division Among Judeans in Babylonia From the Early Persian Period Abraham 2007
Abraham, Kathleen 2012 A Unique Bilingual and Biliteral Artifact from the Time of Nebuchadnezzar II in the Moussaieff Private Collection Abraham 2012a
Abraham, Kathleen 2012 Bricks and Brick Stamps in the Moussaieff Private Collection Abraham 2012b
Abraham, Kathleen 2011 An Egibi Tablet in Jerusalem Abraham, IEJ 61
Abraham, Kathleen 1997 Šušan in the Egibi Texts from the Time of Marduk-nāṣir-apli Abraham, OLP 28
Grillot-Susini, Françoise 1985 Rv. M.W. Stolper, Texts from Tall-i Malyan, Vol. 1 Abstracta Iranica 8 (1985), 32
Abusch, Tzvi 2010 A Neo-Babylonian Recension of Maqlû: Some Observations on the Redaction of Maqlû Tablet VII and on the Development of Two of Its Incantations Abusch 2010
Harmatta, János 1964 Die sassanidischen Siegelinschriften als geschichtliche Quellen AcAntHung 12 (1964), 217-230
Harmatta, János 1966 The Bisitun Inscription and the Introduction of the Old Persian Cuneiform Script AcAntHung 14 (1966), 255-283
Diakonoff, Igor M. 1969 On the Interpretation of § 60 of the Bisutūn Inscription (Elamite Versian) AcAntHung 17 (1969), 105-107
Hinz, Walther 1971 Zu den elamischen Burgbau-Inschriften Darius I. aus Susa AcAntHung 19 (1971), 17-24
Komoróczy, Géza 1973 Berossos and the Mesopotamian Literature AcAntHung 21 (1973), 125-152
Lipiński, Edward 1974 Textes juridiques et économiques araméens de l´époque sargonide AcAntHung 22 (1974 publ. 1976), 373-384
Dandamayev, Muhammed A. 1974 Social Stratification in Babylonia (7th-4th Centuries B.C.) AcAntHung 22 (1974 publ. 1976), 433-444

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