Tablet UM 52-30-8

NaBuCCo ID 919
Museum No. UM 52-30-8
CDLI P-Identifier P414719
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps UET 4 23
Paraphrase Purchase of a prebend: A purchases from B a share of the prebend (isqu) of the brewer (sirāšūtu) in the cella (bīt papāhi) of Ninazu located in the centre in the temple of Egidda for [x] days per year for ½ mina of silver in pieces (šibirtu). The transaction is concluded in the presence of (ina ušuzzi) the governor (šākin) of Ur (Sîn-tabni-uṣur). 7 witnesses and the scribe. Instead of a seal impression (kunukku), fingernail impression (ṣupru) of the seller.
A = Nergal-uballiṭ//Zēru-iddin; B = Sîn-uballiṭ//Nergal-iddin; Scribe = Sîn-iddin//Sîn-ahu-šubši
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Asb. yy-I-dd