Tablet IM 57093

NaBuCCo ID 852
Museum No. IM 57093
CDLI P-Identifier P414728
Place of issue
Type and content Exchange
Period ENB
Year BCE 657
Editio princeps UET 4 32
Paraphrase Exchange of houses: In this document of exchange (šupêltu) A and B mutually agree upon and carry out the exchange of their houses. In exchange of his house A receives from B a house together with a field and 50 shekels of silver in pieces (šibirtu). The house of A is located in the district (erṣetu) of the Gate of IGI.BI.NIBRU.KI.A.ŠÈ and borders on the property of C. It measures 40 x 30 cubits (20 x 15 m). The house of B is located in the district of the Royal Gate and borders on a property already owned by A. It measures 15 x 12 cubits (7.5 x 6 m). The field (eqlu) of B is located in the city Madummē and borders on the canal close to Ur (harru ina ahi Ur) and on (the property of) the ancestor of B? (Nergal-nāṣir). His front measures 90 cubits (45 m). The transaction is concluded in the presence of (ina ušuzzi) the governor (šakkanakku) of Ur (Sîn-balāssu-iqbi). 6 witnesses and the scribe, also defined as writer of the tablet (šāṭir ṭuppi).
A = Sîn-bēl-kullati//Usātu; B = Balāssu//Nergal-nāṣir; C = Sîn-nādin-ahi/Sîn-ṭēm-ilāni; Scribe = Kudurru/Nabû-ahhē-iddin
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ššu. yy-IV-dd