Tablet VAT 2963

NaBuCCo ID 747
Museum No. VAT 2963
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE 647
Editio princeps VS 5 3
Paraphrase Purchase of land: A purchases 30 square kor (405,000 m2) of arable land (zēru) in the newly cleared countryside (eqlu ṣēru taptû), forming part of hanšû-land, for 3 2/3 minas and 5 shekels of white silver (kaspu peṣû) in pieces (šibirtu) from B. The sold land is located in the meadowland (ugāru) of the reed marshes (appāru) of the Bēl sluice (bābi ša Bēl) in the province (pīhatu) of Babylon. Its upper side (in the north) borders on (the property of) C1, from the same family as A, and its lower side (in the south) borders on (the property of) the seller B. Its upper front (in the west) borders on the bank (kišādu) of the Gubbat Canal (Nāru-ša-Gubbat) and its lower front (in the east) on (the property of) C2. 8 witnesses (including several members of the Ēppeš-ili family and the Arad-Nergal family) and the scribe. Instead of a seal impression (kunukku), fingernail impression (ṣupru) of B. In case the sold land is smaller than 30 square kor, A will take the missing share from the land of B. In case the sold land is bigger than 30 square kor, B will take the surplus back. Another individual is said to have been present.

A = Bēl-ahhē-iddin/Bēl-lēˀi//Ēppeš-ili; B = Ērišu/Nādin//Arad-Nergal; C1 = Nabû-šumu-iddin//Ēppeš-ili; C2 = […]//Mādidu; Scribe = Bēl-usātu//Itinnu
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Kan. yy-X-dd