Tablet BM 118978

NaBuCCo ID 726
Museum No. BM 118978
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE 658
Editio princeps Frame 2013 15a
Paraphrase Purchase of a house in Uruk: A purchases a ruined house (bītu abtu) for 1 ½ minas of silver in pieces (šibirtu), together with an additional payment (atru) of 2 shekels of silver, from B. The sold house is located in the Eanna district (erṣet Eanna) inside of Uruk. Its upper side (in the north), its lower side (in the south) and its lower front (in the east) border on the houses of C1, C2 and C3. Its upper front (in the west) borders on a house already owned by the buyer. No side lengths are given in the record. 16 witnesses and the scribe. Fingernail impression (ṣupru) of the seller.
A = Mušēzib-Marduk/Kiribtu; B = Nabû-ahu-ēreš//Nanāya-uṣalli; C1 = Šāpiku, ṣāhitu (oilpresser); C2 = Nabû-ēreš//Hašdia; C3 = Ahhēšāya/Nanāya-uṣalli; Scribe = Bēl-rēmanni/Kudurru
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ššu. yy-XI-dd