Tablet VAT 451

NaBuCCo ID 690
Museum No. VAT 451
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps VS 5 5
Paraphrase Purchase of wasteland: A purchases 11 square reed (134.75 m2) of wasteland (eqlu kišubbû) for 4 shekels of silver, together with an additional payment (atru) of 1 shekel of silver, from B. The sold land is located in the Kullaba district (erṣet Kullaba) inside of Babylon. Its upper side borders on a narrow street (sūqu qatnû) and its lower side on the main building of the Akitu festival (bīt rēši akītum). Its upper front borders on the house of C1 and its lower front on the house of C2. 5 witnesses (including another individual, Nabû-šumu-iškun, from the Arkāt-ili-damqu family) and the scribe.

A = Bēl-ahhē-iddin//Arad-Ea; B1 = Nabû-bēlšunu//Nappāhu; B2 = Nabû-bēlšunu//Bēl-ēṭir; C1 = Bēl-nāṣir//Sîn-dayyānu; C2 = Bēl-iqīša, atkuppu (reed worker); Scribe = Nabû-bēlšunu//Arkāt-ili-damqu
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Kan. yy-IX-dd