Tablet NBC 04904

NaBuCCo ID 656
Museum No. NBC 04904
CDLI P-Identifier P297926
Place of issue
Type and content Single transaction
Period ENB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Beaulieu, BaM 28

Expenditures of silver for the kettles before Bēltia and Nanāya during times of hostilities in the land: Out of the capital sum (qaqqadu) of 27 minas and 13 shekels of silver, at the disposal of (ina pāni) Nabû-zēru-ibni for the repair (batqu) of kettles (taphu) before the potstand (kankannu) of Bēltia and Nanāya, he weighed (hâṭu) and used 24 ½ minas and 1 shekel of silver, that is, 16 ½ minas and one shekel as the first supply (hāṭu) and 8 minas as the second supply. These 24 ½ minas and 1 shekel of silver will be recast (patāqu), while the remainder of 2 1/3 minas and 3 shekels of silver, together with 19 shekels ina parīdānu (mng. unknown), won’t be recast.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): XXX. yy-VIII-dd