Tablet BM 74504

NaBuCCo ID 571
Museum No. BM 74504
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period Ach
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Waerzeggers 2014 179
Paraphrase Lease of a prebend: fA1 gives prebends for the performance of the duties (ēpišānūtu) to B1 and B2. This concerns the prebend of the arranger-of-the-sacrificial-table (isiq mubannûti) in Ebabbar in Sippar for 3 months and 10 days, that is, the months Ayyār (II), Dûzu (IV), Šabāṭ (XI) and the 21st to 30th of Arahsamna (VIII), the prebend of the oil-presser (ṣāhitūtu) of the first 15 days of Tašrīt (VII) as well as 13 sweet cakes (muttāqu) of the whole year of the “greeting-of-the-temple” ceremonies (šalām bīti). They will give to fA1 4;2.3 kor (810 l) of dates, 1 takkašu loaf (ṣibtu ša takkaši), 2/3 of a vat (bītu) of billatu-beer and two shares (ahu) of vegetables (mašqu) from the mubannûtu-prebend and 0;0.1.1 kor (7 l) of sesame, 30 containers (kindu) of pressed sesame (kupsu) and 0; kor (½ l) of sesame oil from the prebend of the oil-presser. For the prebend of sweet cakes (muttāqūtu) fA1 receives 0;0.2.1 kor (13 l) of emmer (kunāšu), 0;0.2.1 kor (13 l) of sesame and 0; kor (1 ½ l) of honey (dišpu, di-ip-šú). The lessees guarantee (pūtu našû) for not interrupting (lā baṭlu) the service and punctuality (masnaqtu) of the performance of the cult. Each party has taken a copy. 4 witnesses (including Kuṣurāya/Nidintu//Šangû-Ištar-Bābili) and the scribe.
fA1 = fInbāya/Lūṣi-ana-nūri/Šangû-Ištar-Bābili; B1 = Libluṭ/Guzānu//Balīhu; B2= Ahušunu/Uballissu-Marduk//Šangû-Šamaš; Scribe = Bēl-bullissu/Nabû-ittannu//Šangû-Ištar
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Xer. yy-IV-dd