Tablet BM 30250

NaBuCCo ID 431
Museum No. BM 30250
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Dar. 60
Paraphrase Lease(?) of a harbour house, related to the measurer’s prebend(?)
A in agreement with his brothers gives (nadānu) to B the harbour house (bīt kāri) that is situated next to B’s house against the payment of 4 liters of bread (akalu). The reason for this transfer is ana mādidi “for (performing the office of) the measurer”. Names of 2 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Marduk-nāṣir-apli/Itti-Marduk-balāṭu//Egibi; B = Bēl-uballiṭ/Nabû-ēṭir-napšāti//Atkuppu
Transliteration Transliteration available on Achemenet
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-I-dd