Tablet WHM 1709

NaBuCCo ID 3970
Museum No. WHM 1709
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Record of transfer
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Sack 1994 (Documents) 55

Single transaction with multiple entries: delivery of silver and barley to the temple. Dated.

The Eanna temple received (maḫāru, Stat.) from A 4 shekels of silver as (ina) compensatory payment (šullundu) for a golden šappu-vat and 0; kor of barley for (ina) the prebendary payments (maššartu) of Nisan (I), Ayyār (II), and Simān (III) of B.

An additional sum (of silver?) is mentioned: ½ shekel upiyātu-revenue(?) of(?) (no Prep.) C. Its connection to the silver above as well as the nature of the transaction is unclear.


A= Iddin-Nabû/Šākin-šumi, brother of B(?); B= Ardia/Šākin-šumi, brother of A(?); C= Ištar-šumu-ēreš/Arad-Gula

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbn. 05-I-12