Tablet WHM 1664

NaBuCCo ID 3920
Museum No. WHM 1664
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Record of transfer
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Sack 1994 (Documents) 05

Single transaction: delivery of silver (and a cow) to the Eanna temple (reckoned for barley). Dated.

The Eanna temple received (maḫāru, Stat.) from A, the canal inspector (gugallu) of Bīt-Simmagir, a grand total of 43 minas of silver, the price of 1000 kor of barley, in 0;2 kor (per shekel of silver).

The payment was made of the following: 4 minas ⅓ shekel of silver for a mature cow (áb.sal.máḫ?), 15⅔ minas of cash (lit. weighed, ḫâṭu) silver, and 23 minas of silver, the price of 2 minas 29 shekel of gold, in 9¼ shekels of silver (per shekel of gold).

Names of 4 witnesses (ina ušuzzu) (X1–4), and a scribe (X5).


Duplicate: Truro, 11, dated 3 days later 09.IX.01 Nbk

* Janković/Weszeli 2014 contains significant corrections to the original publication by Sack.


A= Nabû-nāṣir//Aḫu-līšir, canal inspector (gugallu) of Bīt-Simmagir;

witnesses: X1= Ninurta-šarru-uṣur, royal resident (qīpu) of Eanna; X2= Nabû-nādin-šumi (/Bēl-šumu-iškun//Dābibī), the temple administrator (šatammu), known to be the brother of X5; X3= Kabtīya(/Marduk-nāṣir)//Irʼānu; X4= Nabû-ēṭir-napšāti (/Bēl-lēʼi)//Šigūʼa; scribe: X5= Marduk-ēṭir/Bēl-šumu-iškun (//Dābibī), the scribe of Eanna, known to be the brother of X2


+ Add to bibliography: Janković  Bojana and Weszeli Michaela, 2014, Neues zur Verwendung von maḫir im Eanna-Archiv eine Anomalie?, in: Zoltán Csabai (ed.), Studies in Economic and Social History of the Ancient Near East in Memory of Péter Vargyas, Budapest, 673–682.


Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 01-IX-06