Tablet AO 6795

NaBuCCo ID 3907
Museum No. AO 6795
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps TCL 12 64

Division of land sub-leased from the temple between the tenant-sharecroppers.

The contract is written in the dialogue format, in which A1 speaks to his fellow sharecropper A2.

The terms of their contract follows (kī pî) the debt notes (uˀiltu) that B, the supervisor (bēl piqitti) of Neriglissar, drew against them ([ina muhhi] elû).

A1 and A2 got (ṣabātu, Pret.) three plots (qaqqaru) of “thousand”-field complexes (līmu), for cultivation on a sharecropping basis (errēšūtu), from B. They will cultivate these lands (dullu epēšu) and deliver their mandattu-payment.*

The plots are “thousand”-field complexes of the Lady-of-Uruk in Tamirtu-ša-Ṣēr-Antu, in Ḫarru-ša-Lâbāši, and in Til-Šulāya.

A1 and A2 agreed to split (zāzu Pres., wr. nu-za-i-zi-ma) the three fields amongst them (ina biri) by casting lots (pūru nasāku Prek., wr. [pu-ri lu]-u ni-is-su-uk). A2 got (ana pūri maqātu Perf.) the “thousand”-fields in Tamirtu-ša-Ṣēr-Antu and Ḫarru-ša-Lâbāši, and he will deliver [x-share to the temple/B] (broken). A1 got the “thousand”-field in Til-Šulāya, and he will deliver an ungelded bull (alpu šuklulu) to B.

Names of 3 witnesses and the scribe.

Written at līmu-land of the Lady-of-Uruk in Til-Šulāya.


* In the present context mandattu is probably a type of rent; see Janković 2013 (PhD diss.), 3921436. ** and lu-u


A1= Nabû-bān-ahi/Aplāya; A2= Ibnāya/Aplāya; B= Šumu-ukīn/Bēl-zēri (//Basia), supervisor (bēl piqitti) of Neriglissar, and a known rent farmer



Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ner. 01-VI-4