Tablet BM 38236

NaBuCCo ID 3901
Museum No. BM 38236
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Correspondence
Period -
Year BCE None
Editio princeps CT 22 160

Letter about uncooperative personnel.

Probably from Babylon,

A writes to the temple administrator (šatammu) (of Esagil?) about B14, whom the king entrusted (ušuzzu) to C, and did not report to their duty (magāru-ma dullu epēšu). The king orders that the temple administrator makes sure these men are brought handcuffed (izqātu) to C.

Additionally, A urges the temple administrator to take care of some temple-serfs (širku) who were not paid for Simān (III) and Dûzu (IV). According to A, the temple-serfs are starving (berû) and furious (ba’āšu Stat.).


A= Nabû-silim; B1= Bābu-ēreš/Šamaš-iddin; B2= Ina-tēšê-ēṭer/Rēmūt; B3= Rēmūt/Ša-pî-Bēl; B4= Nabû-naˀid/Nabû-iddi; C= Nabû-šarru-uṣur/Šumu-uṣur

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd