Tablet YBC 08925

NaBuCCo ID 3899
Museum No. YBC 08925
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Correspondence
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps YOS 3 122

Letter about the preparations for a visit by the chief-baker.


A writes to B (known royal resident, qīpu, of Eanna), asking for a fattened sheep (immeru šūkulu) to be sent (šapāru, Prec.) from the fattening stable (ša urû) via (ina qātē) C, as well as sinews (gīdu) and tendons (šašallu), if they are available (kī bašû). The reason for A’s request is that he heard of the upcoming visit of D, the chief-baker (rab nuhatimmu).

A addresses B as his father (as he of lower status). The invoking of the gods Ea and Damkina in the introduction suggests that the letter was sent from Eridu.

Additional keywords: to need (hašāhu), need (ḫišihtu), good quality sheep (immeru babbanû).


A= Bēl-ušallim; B= Ninurta-šarru-uṣur (known royal resident, qīpu, of Eanna, 15 Npl–26 Nbk); C= Nabû-nāṣir; D= Nabû-zēru-iddin, chief-baker (rab nuhatimmu)

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd