Tablet W 18205,40

NaBuCCo ID 3832
Museum No. W 18205,40
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Indeterminate administrative text
Period -
Year BCE None

List of personal names. Fragmentary.

Fragment of a tablet, the text is organised in (at least) 2 columns with gridlines and each entry is separated by a horizontal line. The first line explained the purpose of the record: it listed an unknown good (the beginning is broken) given out (nadānu) in Arahsamnu (VIII). Then there is the indication “his name”. The individuals were then listed apparently without affiliation. According to Gehlken, this text is linked to W18215, 23 (AUWE 11, 198).

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd