Tablet W 18205,17

NaBuCCo ID 3756
Museum No. W 18205,17
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Multiple (list)
Period -
Year BCE None

Note on barley disbursements for rations to multiple recipients (temple personnel?). Undated.

The tablet registers the food rations (kurummatu) distributed (no verbs) by the Eanna: 0;1 kor (c. 36 l) of barley, measured with the measuring vessel (sūtu) whose capacity is 12 liters, to A1 for Kislīm (IX) and Ṭebēt (X); the same amount, for Ṭebēt (X), is assigned to A2. On the reverse of the tablet another transaction is recorded: 0;2 kor (c. 72 l) (of barley), what remained to be given (bābtu, wr. KÁ-ti-i) from a total amount of 0;4 kor (144 l) for Arahsamna (VIII) and Kislīm (IX), is given (no verb) to B, the weaver (išparu), and his son.

A1 = Ina-ṣilli-Nanāya/Ahu-ittabši; A2 = Balāssu/Kuzbānītu; B = Nanāya-iddin, weaver (išparu)

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd