Tablet W 18212, 12

NaBuCCo ID 3753
Museum No. W 18212, 12
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Multiple transactions
Period NB
Year BCE 563

Multiple transactions of the same type: issue of cress and salt. Dated.

The tablet records 2 different transactions. On the obverse, one reads that A received (našû, wr. GIŠ) from the Eanna 0;1 kor (36 l.) of cress from the harû-ceremony. The text continues on the lower edge and the reverse, acknowledging that B received (našû, wr. GIŠ) 0;1.2 kor (48 l.) of salt and 0;1.2 kor (48 l.) of cress, as food ration (kurummatu) for his 4 workers (ṣābu) for Ulūl.

A = Balāṭu; B = Šamaš-iddin/Šamaš-uballiṭ

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 42-VI-01