Tablet W 18201,6 + W 18202,14

NaBuCCo ID 3743
Museum No. W 18201,6 + W 18202,14
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Multiple (list)
Period NB
Year BCE None

List of silver disbursements, given out instead of food rations to multiple recipients. Fragmentary.

The tablet lists in an organised way various amounts of shekels of silver, distributed (no verb, or broken) to several individuals, recorded with their affiliations. Each entry of the obverse is separated by a horizontal line. One final sentence provides details on the disbursement: a total of x minas and 57 shekels (474,81+ gr) of silver are given to the Eanna’s temple oblates (širku), as equivalent of their rations (kūm kurummatu). Rest broken off.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. yy-mm-dd