Tablet W 18205,9

NaBuCCo ID 3729
Museum No. W 18205,9
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Single transaction
Period NB
Year BCE 565

Single transaction with multiple entries: issue of dates. Dated.

The document, written on the 12th of Simān (III) records that A, B’s farmer (ikkaru), received (mahāru Stat) barley from (ina) the allotments (maššartu) for Dûzu (IV): 11 measures (mašīhu) are for (ana) C1, 10 measures (mašīhu) are for (ana) C2, in total 21 measures.

A = Nādinu; B = Nabû-ahhē-šullim; C1 = Uraš-zēru-ibni; C2 = Balāssu

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 40-III-12