Tablet Wy 13

NaBuCCo ID 3722
Museum No. Wy 13
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps AUWE 5 079

List of monthly allotments of comestibles (for the preparation of the offerings). Very fragmentary.

Fragment of a tablet that registers the distribution of basic foodstuffs for prebendary work (to be?) carried out in specific months for a few named gods. Only part of the reverse is extant: all the preserved lines contain the same formula “0;0.0.X kor (in) the month X (for) the god/goddess DN” (n qa arhu MN pāni DN). Where extant, the amount of the distributed good is always 2[+x];4.3.3 kor (c. 525 l); the timespan covered by these allotments refers to the six months from Šabaṭ (XI) to Dûzu (IV): groups of six entries each (one for each month) are separated by horizontal lines. The formulary of this text follows the one described by Freydank 1971, 16 (Gruppe 6).

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Npl. yy-mm-dd