Basic Metadata
- NaBuCCo ID
- 3712
- Museum No.
- W 18131d
- CDLI P-Identifier
- Place of issue
- Uruk
- Type and Content
- Inventories
- Archive
- Eanna temple
- Dossier
- None
- Period
- NB
- Year BCE
- 513
- Editio princeps
- AUWE 5
- Paraphrase
Note about fodder for birds.
The tablet mentions 0;0.3.1/2 kor (c. 18,5 l.) of barley, to be used as fodder (kisattu) for 37 ducks (paspasu) from the 4th of Simān (III) until the 14th of the same month(?). Since no verb nor personal name is explicitly mentioned, the purpose of this record and the role of the Eanna in this agreement are not clear.
- Transliteration
- Babylonian Date (year-month-day):
- Dar. yy-III-14
further information
- Imported (Person, Date)
- Stephania Ermidoro, Kathleen Abraham (17/09/2023)
- Legacy NaBuCCo ID
- None