Tablet BM 32163+

NaBuCCo ID 360
Museum No. BM 32163+
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period -
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Wunsch 2000 37
Paraphrase Purchase of land.
The tablet records the purchase of agricultural land which, given its irregular shape, is calculated according to seven different measured areas: each one of these smaller plots is described separately, marked on the tablet by a line drawn at the end of each paragraph (and indicated below in the paraphrase by LINE).
A1 und A2 purchase 1 kor (13500 m2) agricultural land (zēru) from B: this consists of a date garden (kirû gišimmarē zaqpi) located in the open country (eqel ṣēri), cultivated with big as well as young date palms (tālu), in front of the Zababa Gate in the district (pīhatu) of Babylon. LINE
1) The first area (mišihtu) measures 0; Kor (5790+ m2) in total. Its upper side in the West is 700 cubits (350 m) long and it borders on some property whose details are lost, the second measured area listed below (libbū eqli) , and the field of fC; its lower side in the East, which has the same length as the upper side, borders on (the property of) A1 und A2. Its upper front in the North is 35 cubits (17,5 m) long and borders on the royal street (harrān šarri) along the bank (kišādu) of the Banītu-Canal; its lower front in the South is 32 2/3 cubits (c. 16,5 m) long and it borders on the next measured area.
2) The second area (mišihtu) measures 0;0.5.5 Kor (2625 m2) in total. Its upper side in the West, 300 cubits (150 m) long, borders on a plot of 2/3 Kor (425 m2) with x cubits long short sides, and on the property of fC, mother of D1 and D2; its lower side in the East, which has the same length as the upper side borders on the property of A1 und A2. Its upper front in the North, 32 2/3 cubits (c. 16,3 m) long, borders on the first plot, an unknown amount of cubits of its lower front in the South borders on the next measured area (libbū eqli). LINE
3) The surface of the third measured area (mišihtu) is lost in a lacuna. Its long sides are 300 cubits (150 m) long and border on the property of fC in the West and on the land of A1 and A2 in the East. The front sides, whose lengths are also lost, are adjacent to the second plot in the North and to the next measured area (libbu eqli) in the South. LINE
4) The fourth measured area (mišihtu), of an unknown size, has the same lengths and neighbours for the long sides: 300 cubits (150 m), fC in the West, and A1 and A2 in the East. Its upper front side in the North is 20 2/3 cubits (c. 10,3 m) long and borders on the previous (third) measured area, while its lower front in the South, 16 1/2 cubits (c. 8,25 m) long, borders on the measured area (libbū eqli). LINE
5) The surface area of the fifth plot (mišihtu) is also lost in a lacuna. Its long sides are 300 cubits (150 m) long and border on the property of fC in the West and on the land of A1 and A2 in the East. The upper front in the North, 16 1/2 cubits (c. 8,25 m) long, is adjacent to the previous (fourth) plot in the North; its lower front side in the South is 10 cubits (5 m) long and borders on the next plot (libbū eqli). LINE
6) The sixth measured area (mišihtu), whose size is lost in a lacuna, has once again the same lengths and neighbours for its long sides: 300 cubits (150 m), fC in the West, and A1 and A2 in the East. Its upper front side in the North is 10 cubits (5 m) long and is adjacent to the previous (fifth) measured area, while the lower front side in the South borders on the next plot. LINE
7) The last measured area (mišihtu), of unknown size, has shorter sides. The long ones measure 250 cubits (125 m) and border once again on fC in the West, and A1 and A2 in the East – while its upper front in the North is adjacent to the previous (sixth) plot. LINE
A1 and A2 declare the equivalent for this land together with the seller B (A itti B mahīra nabû išām) to be 1 shekel each X kor of land (the exact amount is lost in a lacuna of the tablet). From a broken passage it is possible to infer that the buyers have given (nadānu) some minas and shekels of silver corresponding to the entire purchase price (šīmišu gamrūtu) of this field, plus more silver as additional payment (kî atri). LINE
The seller acknowledge that he has received the full amount of silver in pieces (šibirtu), and he is satisfied (apālu  G Stat). The following lines, in fragmentary condition, must have recorded the warranty clause against future claims between the parties or members of their families. Names of 5 witnesses and 2 scribes. The exact measurements of each plot of land are recorded in BM30933.
A1 = Nergal-Bānûnu/Ṣillāya//Rab-banê; A2 = Nabû-ahhē-iddin/Šulāya//Egibi; B = Nabû-šumu-uṣur/Nabû-kuzub-ilī//Rab-banê; fC = fŠahundu /…, mother of D1 and D2; D1 = Nabû-etel-ilī; D2 = Nabû-uṣur-napišti
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy---dd