Tablet YBC 09028

NaBuCCo ID 3539
Museum No. YBC 09028
CDLI P-Identifier P309760
Place of issue
Type and content Security for debt
Period Each
Year BCE 530

Debt securement. Šamaš-mudammiq/Ina-tēšî-ēṭir assumes the guarantee of Šamaš-šumu-iddin/Kalbāya for the payment of barley owed by the latter to the Eanna vis-à-vis Nabû-mukīn-apli/Nādinu//Dābibī, bishop (šatammu) of Eanna, and Nabû-aḫu-iddin, royal representative (ša rēš šarri) and commissioner (bēl piqitti). Two witnesses and Šamaš-tabni-uṣur/Marduk-šāpik-zēri, the scribe.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cyr. 08-XII-30