Tablet NCBT 00342

NaBuCCo ID 3295
Museum No. NCBT 00342
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Kozuh 2014 23

Allocation of livestock (from the general income) to shepherds. Dated.

heading: Sheep and goats (ṣēnu) which are placed with (ṣabātu, Š) the shepherds (rēˀû) in year 20 of Nabopolassar.

Each entry in the list below details the animals and summarises them. Mentioned animals: rams (puhālu), ewes (lahru), male lambs (kalūmu), she-goats (enzu), young she-goats (unīqu), he-goats (gadû).

list: 51 sheep and goats, general income of (ša) A1, under the responsibility (ina pāni) of [name broken]. 53 sheep and goats, general income for months […] … total of 105 under the responsibility of A1; 53 under the responsibility of A2; 53 of A3; 50 of A4; 50 of A5; 9 of A6.

summary: [total of] 319 sheep and goats (that came from) general income of Dûzu (IV).

(lines 13–15 are fragmentary):

… general income of month Dûzu (IV) under the responsibility of B.

… general income of C, the governor (šakin ṭēmi).

… of month Dûzu (IV), under the responsibility D.


A1= Ḫašdāya/Nabû-ēreš; A2= Nabû-…/Ay-mītunu; A3= Nabû-zēru-iqīša/Ḫuhhuru; A4= Zēria/Iddia; A5= Nanāya-ēreš/Ino-ili; A6= Nanāya-ēreš/Ahu-ilāˀi; B= Nādin-apli; C= Iqīša, the governor (šakin ṭēmi); D= Bābia/Gudādu.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Npl. 20-mm-dd