Tablet NBC 04846

NaBuCCo ID 3284
Museum No. NBC 04846
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Kozuh 2014 09

Tabulated livestock assessment of multiple herds, including a balance on a five-year basis. Undated, buit probably circa 32 Nbk.

The tablet records in a tabulated form* the growth of the herds of A (obverse) for years 28–32 (Nbk), and B (reverse) for years 25–31 (Nbk).

Column headings, sheep: rams (puhālu), ewes (lahru), male lambs (kalūmu), female lambs (parratu), total whites (peṣûtu), goats he-goats (urīṣu), she-goats (enzu), young he-goats (gadû), young she-goats (unīqu), total blacks (ṣalmūtu), […]. The last column, heading is broken, gives the yearly grand total of sheep and goats, (extracted) wool (šipātu), dead animals (mašku, lit. “hides”), and wages (idu).

The lines are arranged in groups of three. The first line lists the number of sheep and goats at the beginning of the year, plus wool. The second line lists the number of hides, i.e. dead animals. The third line lists the wages, which in this context is not entirely clear.

The bottom line of the obverse summarises the balance (rēhu) of A’s herd for years 28–32: 26 rams (puhālu), 17 ewes (lahru), 10 male lambs (kalūmu), 6 female lambs (parratu), total of 59 sheep and goats (ṣēnu), 5 mina 45 shekel of wool (šipātu). A’s herd did not contain goats.

The summary line for B is fragmentary, except for the balance (rēhu) of 148 rams (puhālu), 273 ewes (lahru), 54 male lambs (kalūmu), and 100 female lambs (parratu). The number of goats in B’s herd  is broken.


* Only the vertical lines are properly marked. The horizontal lines sperating each entry are not not clearly mearked, although traces of faint lines are visible at some places.


A= Nabû-ahu-iddin/Bēl-ibni; B= Nabû-ahhē-šullim/Nabû-šumu-iškun 

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): XXX. yy-mm-dd