Tablet PTS 2208

NaBuCCo ID 3258
Museum No. PTS 2208
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Balanced account
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Payne 2007 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Balanced account for two groups of goldsmiths. Dated.

The tablet records a summary of accounts for two groups of goldsmiths based on an audit made in Ṭebēt (X) 20 Npl. The first account covers 21 years (0a–20 Npl); the other covers 11 years (19 Kan–7 Npl).

First account: 4 talents 32 minas 1 shekel (of gold):

Outgoing: 4 talents 32 minas 1 shekel of gold were given (nadānu, wr. sum-na) to A1 during 10.IV.0a–09.II.03 Npl, including (adi) the 3½ minas 5 shekels of gold of A2. -LINE-

Incoming: 4 talents 28 minas 6 shekels of gold (received) during 06.XI.0a–07.II.03? (Npl), including the 9 minas 56 shekels of A2

Balance: 3 minas 55 shekels of gold were his earlier deficit (mīṭu) from 0a until 2 Npl.

1 mina 58 shekels are the deficit from 3 Npl until 04.X.20 Npl.

Total: 5 minas 53 shekels of gold was at the disposal (ina pāni) of A1 from 0a until 04.X.20 Npl.

Second account, outgoing: 8½ minas 2 shekels of gold were given (nadānu, wr. sum-na-ti) to B during 19.IX.02–10.V.03. 2 talents 1 mina 25 shekels of gold were at the disposal of C1 and C2 (known as B’s sons) from Addar (XII) 19 Kan until Ulūl (VI) 6 Npl. (Total): 2 talents 9 minas 57¼ shekels was at the disposal of C1 and C2 during 19 Kan–6 Npl -LINE-

Incoming: 1 talent 58 minas 8 shekels of gold (received) during 19 Kan–7 Npl. -LINE-

Balance: The remainder (rēhu), 12½ minas (sic!) of gold, is (still) at their disposal.


A1= Šadûnu/Ubil?-šumu, a known goldsmith, see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 253f.; A2= Mušēzib; B= Bēl-ahu-iddin, a known goldsmith, father of C1 and C2, see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 234f.; C1= Rēmūt/Bēl-ahu-iddin (= B), a temple enterer (see Eames O38) and a goldsmith, brother of C2, see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 252f.; C2= Itti-Marduk-balāṭu/Bēl-ahu-iddin (= B), a known goldsmith, brother of C1, see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 242

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Npl. 20-X-23