Tablet YBC 04178

NaBuCCo ID 3153
Museum No. YBC 04178
CDLI P-Identifier P305490
Place of issue
Type and content Court protocol
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps YOS 7 96

Obligation to present acquitting evidence to the temple.

The tablet lays out the accusations against A, the cattle herdsman (nāqidu ša lâtu) of the Lady of Uruk, that he did not deliver carcasses to the temple. A explains that most of the carcasses were sold, some were stolen, and promises to present evidences to back up his claims.

B1, temple administrator (šatammu), and B2, royal supervisor (ša rēš šarri bēl piqitti) of Eanna, accuse (lit. spoke, qabû ummaA that he did not deliver to the temple carcasses from his fold of temple animals. The passage is phrased as a direct speech and it is a bit fragmentary:

An epidemic (šibṭu) broke out (ina libbi šakānu) in the cattle of Eanna that is under your responsibility (ina pāni), grazing at the Uruk wall, and … (fragmentary) … Why did we hear of that, but the cattle carcasses (pagru) of the … ? (fragmentary) … you neither brought (našû) nor presented (kalāmu D) us with the animals and … (fragmentary) …

A replied, in the assembly (puhru) as follows (beginning is fragmentary):

I neither presented (kalāmu D) you the carcasses (pagru) nor [direct] your attention (uznu + broken verb, probably petû) … (fragmentary) … get, bring, and present to you (našû abāku kalāmu D) the carcasses. I sold (ana kaspi nadānu) a total (napharu) of 19 carcasses for 8⅔ shekels of silver, but the buyers did not pay me; (I sold) 5 carcasses for 2½ shekels of silver to C1, 3 for 1⅛ shekel to C2, 1 for⅓ shekel to C3, 2 for 1 shekel to C4, 1 for¾ (3.igi.4.gál.lame) shekel to C5, 1 for½ shekel to C6, 2 for 1⅛ shekel to C7, 1 for⅔ shekel to C8 the gardener (nukaribbu), 1 for ¾ (3.igi.4.gál.lame) shekel to C9, 1 for½ shekel to C10. Additionally, D1, the canal inspector (gugallu), illegally (šigiltu) took from me (ina qātē našû) 1 carcass and D2 took 2 carcasses and 7 hides (mašku?, kuš”.

A guarantees (pūtu našû) to bring testimony (mukinnūtu) of the men to whom he sold the carcasses and those who illegally took them.

Witnesses (mukinnu): E15. Scribe (ṭupšarruF.

 A= Nabû-mukīn-apli, cattle herdsman (nāqidu ša lâtu); B1= Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Nādin//Dābibī, temple administrator (šatammu) of Eanna; B2= Nabû-ahu-iddin, royal supervisor of the Eanna (ša rēš šarri bēl piqitti Eanna); C1= Ṣābēa (Iérin-e-a)/[…]; C2= Ina-tēšê-ēṭir/Nabû-ušabši; C3= Nanāya-iddin/Šamaš-zēru-ibni; C4= Šamaš-iddin//Innin-zēru-šubši; C5= Nanāya-iddin/Gimillu; C6= Šulāya/Ušallim-Marduk; C7= Aggia/Madān-labanu; C8= Šumu-iddin, gardener (nukaribbu); C9= Uqubu/Innin-zēru-šubši; C10= Bēl-kāṣir; D1= Nabû-ēṭir, the canal inspector (gugallu); D2= Gimillu/Innin-šumu-ibni; E1= Arad-Marduk/Zēria//Egibi; E2= Sî-ēreš/Nabû-šumu-līšir//Ibni-ili; E3= Šamaš-mukīn-apli/Madān-ahhē-iddin//Šigūa; E4= Nādin/Bēl-ahhē-iqīša//Egibi; E5= Šamaš-tabni-uṣur/Marduk-šāpik-zēqi//Sîn-lēqi-unninni; F= Arad-Marduk/Marduk-šumu-iddin//Bēl-aplu-uṣur, scribe (ṭupšarru).

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 0a-IX-28