Tablet BM 60099

NaBuCCo ID 3141
Museum No. BM 60099
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Legal - Other
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Dar. 43

Administrative in nature. No witnesses, no date, no scribe.

Restriction on the movement of individuals settled nearby Sippar.

The tablet lays out instructions regarding a group of ten people who were probably living (on temple land) in villages around Sippar. The instructions concern the following individuals: A1, a temple-serf (širku) of Šamaš and agricultural supervisor (gugallu), fA2, A3, the widow fA4, her sons A5 and A6, her daughters fA7 and fA8, the widow fA9 and (her daughter)? fA10.

These individuals were perhaps given (verb is broken) to B on the 1st of Tašrīt (VII) 2nd year, and the instructions concern them but not (elat) the 19 associates/colleagues (itbāru) … (fragmentary and uncl.)

The instructions are as follows: The women (amīltu) will not dwell with a mār-banê individual, nor can they give their children in adoption to a mār-banê. Each year, fA4, fA9, and fA2, will give them (probably their children) 3 gulēnu­-garments from their own property for the performance of the iškaru-obligation to Šamaš.

They are forbidden to dwell in another city/town, as they are all designees (nayyalu, uncl.) of Šamaš (probably referring to the obligation to live where they were settled and remain under the temple’s jurisdiction). If they leave, then B will … (broken).


A1= Marduka, temple-serf (šuriku) of Šamaš and a canal inspector (gugallu); fA2= fBazitu; A3= Nanāya-piqid; A4= fIdintu, a widow and the mother of A5–8; A5= Šamaš-iddin/fIdintu (= A4), brother of A6–8; A6= Šamaš-nāṣir/fIdintu (= A4), brother of A5, 7, 8; A7= fEribtu/fIdintu (= A4), sister of A5, 6, 8; A8= fAyaštu/fIdintu (= A4), sister of A5–7; A9= fMistāya, a widdow; A10= fInṣabtu/[A9?]; B= Šamaš-ahu-iddin

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-mm-dd