Tablet BM 32928

NaBuCCo ID 285
Museum No. BM 32928
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Security for debt
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Dar. 511
Paraphrase Pledge of a house with antichresis. Security for a silver debt.
A owes to fB 1 mina of white medium quality silver, of which 1/8 is alloy. fB takes his house, located near C’s house, as a pledge. She will pay no rent and there will be no interest on silver, until fB will be paid. The house will be at her disposal for two years. Names of 5 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Marduk-nāṣir-apli/Itti-Marduk-balāṭu//Egibi; fB = fNadât-Ninlil/Iddināya//Ea-kabti-ilī; C = Hašdāya/Nin-EZENxGU4-šarru-uṣur
Transliteration Transliteration available on Achemenet
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-XI-dd