Tablet HS 445

NaBuCCo ID 2720
Museum No. HS 445
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Dowry
Period NB
Year BCE 550
Editio princeps TMH 2/3 1
Paraphrase Transfer of dowry after marriage: B voluntarily (ina hūd libbišu) gives to (his son-in-law) A, together with his first-born daughter fC who is now married to A, 0;3 square kor (8,100 m2) of land planted with date palms (zēru gišimmarē zaqpu) and an empty house plot (bītu kišubbû), which are located in the irrigation area (tamirtu) of Sūr-Amēlāti and adjoin the first arable land of 1 square kor (2,700 m2) originating from the dyke (kilâtu) of Bīt-Amû. This land is still due (babtu) from the dowry (nudunnû) of 1;3 square kor (21,600 m2) of arable land (zēru). B also gives fD1 as paternal assets (mulūgu) as well as in total 10 (pieces of) old and new household goods (udê bīti). As to the two servants (amīlūtu) fD2 and fD3 whom B has transferred to his son-in-law per written document (šaṭāru šaṭāru): B has given fD4 instead of fD3 and will release and give fD2 to his son-in-law until the end of Dûzu (IV). 3 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Nādinu/Lūṣi-ana-nūr-Marduk//Ilī-bāni; B = Nabû-šumu-iškun//Ilī-bāni; fC = fKabtāya/Nabû-šumu-iškun//Ilī-bāni; fD1 = fInbāya; fD2 = fIštar-šīminni; fD3 = fDidīti; fD4 = fBānītu-šarrat; Scribe = Nabû-kāṣir/Itti-Marduk-balāṭu//Ea-ilūtu-bāni
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbn. yy-II-dd