Tablet HS 452

NaBuCCo ID 2549
Museum No. HS 452
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps TMH 2/3 8
Paraphrase Purchase of wasteland: A purchases wasteland (eqlu kišubbû) for 9 ½ shekels of silver in pieces (šibirtu) from B. The sold land is located in the district (erṣetu) of the Gula Gate inside Nippur. Its upper side (in the north), with a street (sūqu) lying inbetween (ina bīrišunu), borders on (the property of) C1 and its lower side (in the south) on (the property of) C2. Its upper front (in the east) borders on the Šalla Canal and its lower front (in the west) on (the property of) the seller B, which is a plot of land within a measured area (libbū eqli). It measures 24 x 6 cubits (12 x 3 m). 7 witnesses and the scribe, also identified as the writer of the sealed tablet (šāṭir kunukki). Also fD is present at the sealing and receives 3 shekels of silver. Instead of a seal impression (kunukku), fingernail impression (ṣupru) of B.
A = Enlil-ibni//Nabû-bāna; B = Nabû-ahu-ēreš//Dābibī; C1 = Lâbâši//Katirru; C2 = Šāpiku//Banāya; fD = fŠa-bullat/Šumu-uṣur; Scribe = Nabû-nāˀid//Damiqia
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Marduk-apla-iddina II. yy-XI-dd