Tablet NBC 06142

NaBuCCo ID 2542
Museum No. NBC 06142
CDLI P-Identifier P293061
Place of issue
Type and content Manumission
Period ENB
Year BCE 664

Manumission of an (temporarily) unfree individual: A redeems (paṭāru) C from B for 1 mina and 4 shekels of silver. B guarantees against transgressors (sēhû) and claimants (pāqirānu). 7 witnesses (including Naṭeru, man from Ru’a) and the scribe.
A = Nabû-ahu-iddin; B = Šumāya; C = Ina-ṣilli-Nusku; Scribe = Šamaš-erība

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): XXX. yy-V-dd