Tablet BM 30853

NaBuCCo ID 2084
Museum No. BM 30853
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Multiple (list)
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Abraham 2004 027
Paraphrase List of quantities of silver and barley. Expenditures for boats, boat equipment and boat transports. Reference to a City Governor and persons known from texts in the Egibi archive.
x minas x shekels of white silver have been given to A, the Overseer (rabû) [...] for hirelings (agru).
2/3 mina 1 1/2 shekels of white silver, and another 6 shekels of white silver, the price of the garments (túgKUR.RA), have been given in the presence (ina ušuzzi) of the Governor (šākin ṭēmi), to the hirelings.
1/3 mina 6 shekels of silver, the rent (idū) for 2 boats, have been given to B, the official-in-charge (rēšu) and his workmen (ṣābu) at the bīt ú-ri*.
5 shekels of white silver have been given to B, the official-in-charge.
2/3 mina 1 1/2 shekels of white silver, the price of 6.2.3 kor of barley, have been given by order of the Governor to the House of Artasunu.
2/3 mina shekels of white silver have been given according to the register (giṭṭu) and the sealed tablet (kunukku) of the Governor to C for the barley.
1/3 mina of silver have been given according to the register and sealed tablet to C for 4 cables (halliptu).
1/3 mina of silver have been given for the rations of the men who towed the boats (šaddidu) as far as Bāb Kabarri.
10 shekels of white silver, the price of 10 beer jars (dannu ša šikari), have been given by order of the Governor (šākin ṭēmi) for the boats that transport beer.
8.2.3 kor of barley have been given by order of the Governor to D for dismantling (napālu) the boats.
2 minas of white silver have been given as rent for the boat which sailed from Bāb Kabarri till Šušan, and on which … (uncl.).
12 1/2 shekels of white silver, 2 pān (=72 liters) of flour ..., (uncl)
have been given to E.
1 1/3 shekels of white silver have been given by order of the Governor (šākin ṭēmi) for the rent of the boats which transported (qerēbu D) barley with (itti) F.
1 mina 10 shekels of white silver have been given to G, in the presence of H and I.
1 1/2 minas of white silver due from J have been given to the Governor.
1/2 mina 5 shekels of white silver have been given for the rent of the boat loaded with flour

*bīt ú-ri: read bīt kar!-ri "harbour! House"?
** ana našê ša kan-ka?/du?

A=Šullumu, (rabû); B=Bēl-ikṣur, (rēšu); C=Nidinti-Bēl-damqat; D=Šumu-ukīn; E=Gūzu-ina-Bēl-aṣbat; F=Ipria; G=Arad-Bunene; H=Napuštu; I=Bānûnu; J=Marduk//Pahāru
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy---dd