Tablet VAT 242

NaBuCCo ID 1930
Museum No. VAT 242
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period Each
Year BCE 512
Editio princeps VS 3 108
Paraphrase Promissory note (imittu) for dates: B owes to fA1 and fA2 5 kor of dates, impost (imittu) on the harvest of their field. He is to pay in Arahsamnu (VIII) together with 10 loads of palm-frond ribs (huṣābu) and 10 palm-leaf baskets (tuhallu). 2 witnesses and the scribe (Iddin-Bēl//Burāqu). Addendum: the levy of the agricultural supervisor (gugallu) [is] un[pa]id.
fA1 = fEsagil-ramât/Balāṭu//Egibi; fA2 = fGigītu/Balāṭu//Egibi (sister of fA1); B = Iddin-Nabû/Zababa-iddin//Arad-Nergal
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-VI-dd