Tablet BM 77529

NaBuCCo ID 1760
Museum No. BM 77529
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Free gift
Period NB
Year BCE 573
Editio princeps Baker 2004 58b
Paraphrase Bequest of butcher’s prebends of Išhara and Papsukkal: B gives to A his two butcher’s prebends before Išhara in Ešasurra in Šuanna and Papsukkal of Ekitušgirzal, the temple of Bēlet-Eanna on the canal bank in the Newtown in Babylon. The prebends comprise ox and sheep of the royal sacrifice and the sacrifice of the kāribu, ginû, quqqû for the whole year, a “coil” (tīrānu), a brain(?) (gabbu), gan ṣēli-meat, meat trimmings (nukāsātu), the epigastrum (karšu), naṣraptu-meat, and every year four hides of sheep(?) before Išhara, the omasum (riqītu), bāb urkāti-meat, hilidamu-meat, the fatty tissue around the intestines (hinṣu) not cut off (qarāšu), and ox, sheep, birds and lamb of the 8th of Nisannu (I), and a shoulder share of ox and sheep before Papsukkal. After the operative section a curse formula invoking Marduk, Zarpanītu, Išhara and Papsukkal and directed against a violaton of the agreement  and an oath formula invoking Marduk, Zarpanītu and Nebuchadnezzar follow (nīš … izzakrū [zakāru]). 4 witnesses and the scribe (Ea-šumu-uṣur/Nabû-zēru-līšir//Rēˀû). (All three tablets are copies of a damaged original that we do not possess.)
A = Nabû-balāssu-iqbi/Šaddinnu//Ileˀˀi-Marduk; B = Izkur-Marduk/Imbia//Ileˀˀi-Marduk
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. yy-IV-dd