Tablet MLC 1802

NaBuCCo ID 1614
Museum No. MLC 1802
CDLI P-Identifier P296469
Place of issue
Type and content Multiple transactions
Period ENB
Year BCE 734
Editio princeps BRM 1 19
Paraphrase Expenditures of cattle: In sum 3 cattle animals are given before B inter for the marriage of C. 2-year-old sahirtu-cows (small cows) are for Uruk and the sacrifices before the gods, including Bēltia. A bull (bīru) is for D.

B = Yatiru; C = […]/Iltammeš; D = Dannilua
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nabû-nāṣir. yy-IV-dd