Tablet BM 49169

NaBuCCo ID 1600
Museum No. BM 49169
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Redemption
Period ENB
Year BCE 642
Editio princeps Oppert, RA 1/1 (1884)
Paraphrase Redemption of a debt: B has to go (alāku) and clear his case (dīnu) with the prefect (šaknu) of Humuttu and A at the end of Ulūl (VI). If he does not do so, he has to pay 2/3 shekels of debt (hubullu) to C. 5 witnesses (including the šatammu of Ebabbar [Šulāya/Ankas-sadu-nahid] and the qīpu [Šamaš-bine-šar] and the scribe.

A = Anburrie; B = Aplāya; C = Marga; Scribe = Gimillu/Bēl-[…]
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Kan. yy-VI-dd