Tablet IM 113235

NaBuCCo ID 1576
Museum No. IM 113235
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE 650
Paraphrase Purchase of a date garden: A purchases 2;2.3 kor (432 l) (or 2;2.4 kor [438 l]?), cultivated date garden (kirî gišimmari) for 1/3 mina and 5 shekels of silver in pieces (šibirtu), together with an additional payment (atru) of ½ shekel of silver, from B1, fB2 and fB3. The sold garden is located in the irrigation area (tamirtu) Hamašu of the district (pihātu) of the Gutean City (URU qu-ta-a-a-nu). Its upper side (in the north) borders on (the property of) C1 and its lower side (in the south) on the garden of C2. Its upper front (in the west) borders on the royal road (harrān šarri) and its lower front (in the east) on the irrigation canal (harru) of C3. Surprisingly, the payment clause only talks about 1;2.4 kor (276 l) garden. Rather than being a mistake, this circumstance seems to be connected with the subsequent clause. Though partly broken, this uncommon clause seems to determine that it is upon the buyer A to choose which part of B1’s land he exactly wants to take over. The following penalty clause determines that in case of any rebellion (sīhu) and claims (pāqirānu) towards A, A is entitled to take into his possessions (ina libbi ṣabātu) another garden of B1 which is located in front of the city (mihrat āli) and borders on the city gate (abullu) and the canal (nāru) of a second garden (kirû šanû) as well as on the properties of C4 and C5. 11 witnesses and the scribe. Instead of a seal impression (kunukku), fingernail impression (ṣupru) of the three sellers.

A = Upāqu/Lā-bāši//Šigūa; B1 = Nabû-erība/Ahhēa; fB2 = Bunānītum, mother of B1; fB3 = Erištu, wife of B1; C1 = Šulāya/Nabû-ēreš; C2 = Aliaˀu; C3 = Balāssu; C4 = Nabû-ušēzib/Hiṭā; C5 = Banūnu//Sîn-bēl-zēri; Scribe = Nergal-ušēzib//Damqa
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ššu. yy-VIII-dd