Tablet YBC 11317

NaBuCCo ID 1531
Museum No. YBC 11317
CDLI P-Identifier P311493
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE 648
Paraphrase Purchase of land: A purchases from the two brothers B1 and B2 as well as their mother fB3 garden land (qutānu). The sold land is located at the Lagamal Canal (harru ša Lagamal) and the Šamaš Gate (abul Šamaš) in Dilbat. Witnesses and scribe. Fingernail impressions. Additional note: This transaction took place during times of hardship when the enemy sieged the city and the price for 0;0.0.3 kor (3 l) barley was 1 shekel of silver.

A = Marduk-šāpik-zēri/Bammāya//Egibi; B1 = Nabû-ittabši-lēšir/Labāši//Basia; B2 = Marduk-šumu-ibni/Labāši//Basia; fB3 = Bēlessunu, mother of B1 and B2
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ššu. yy-I-dd