Tablet BM 31110

NaBuCCo ID 1389
Museum No. BM 31110
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Real estate - Other
Period Each
Year BCE 530
Editio princeps Cyr. 337
Paraphrase Transfer of ownership of land.
fA owns (possibly as a part of her dowry) a plot of arable land (zēru), situated opposite the Zababa Gate in the district (pīḫatu) of Babylon, which has been legally entrusted to her husband B. He received it in compensation for his claim (kūm rašûtu) against his wife, obtaining from the judges a tablet recording his right. He then pledged (maškanu šakānu) it to C, the slave (qallu) of D. Now, fA offers legal ownership over the field to the slave’s owner, in exchange for a non-specified gift (qīštu). She also offers him the original document attesting the purchase (ummi eqlēti, lit. “mother of the fields”). D, then, hands over 10 shekels of silver as a gift, and the woman gives him the original document in return, transferring (muššuru) ownership to him. fA puts the agreement down in writing (šaṭāru) and gives the document to D, in order to make sure that it will not be changed in the future. Names of 3 witnesses (including Bēl-udammib/Bēl-ahhē-iddin//Egibi, D’s brother-in-law) and the scribe.
fA = fEsagil-bēlet/Nādin-ahi//Eppeš-ilī, wife of B; B = Nabû-ēreš/Tabnêa//Ahu-bāni; C = Nabû-utirri, slave of D; D = Itti-Marduk-balāṭu/Nabû-ahhē-iddin//Egibi
Transliteration Transliteration available on Achemenet
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cyr. yy-II-dd