Tablet BM 32640+

NaBuCCo ID 1197
Museum No. BM 32640+
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Wunsch 2000 5
Paraphrase Purchase of land.
The tablet records the purchase of agricultural land; the text has been divided into paragraphs, marked on the tablet by a line drawn at the end of each one (and indicated below in the paraphrase by LINE).
A purchases land from B; many details about the field are lost since the top part of the tablet is damaged, only some of the bordering properties are extant. Its upper side in the West borders on two fields, but only one of the owners’ name (C) can still be read, and its lower side in the East borders on D’s land; the upper front in the North is adjacent to the royal domain (pīhat šarri) and its lower front in the South borders on the dam of the hanšus (makallû ša hanšānē). LINE
A has declared the equivalent for this land, 23;2.3 Kor (31725 m2) in total, together with the seller B (A itti B mahīra nabû išām): 1 shekel of silver for each 6 gar (45 m2) of date garden (gišimmarē zaqpu) and 1 shekel of silver for each 45 gar (337,5 m2) of cultivated as well as newly cleared land (mērešu u taptû). A has given (nadānu) 19 minas and 8 shekels of silver as total price (šīmišu gamrūtu) of this field, plus 22 shekels of silver as additional payment (kî atri). LINE
B acknowledges that he has received (mahāru) in total 19 minas and 30 shekels of silver in pieces (šibirtu), and he is satisfied (apālu  G Stat). The parties agree that in future times there will be no claims or suits against each other, not even between members of their families – otherwise, any future claimant (pāqirānu) will have to repay twelvefold the silver he received. One final clause establishes that the field will be measured (mašāhu) and (should its area be found smaller or larger than what they had calculated) they will compensate each other (ahāmiš apālu) according to the field-price ratio (mahīru) they agreed upon. Names of 4+ witnesses and 2 scribes. The numbers related to the fields width are given here following Wunsch’s calculations (Wunsch 2000, 8).
A = Aplāya/Iqīša-Marduk//Sîn-nādin-šumi; B = Mušēzib-Bēl/Šamaš-unammir//Basia; C = Mušallim-Marduk/…; D = Iqīša-Marduk
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. yy-XI-dd