Archive Iššar-tarībi

NaBuCCo ID 27
Name Iššar-tarībi
Provenance Sippar
Archive description

This single-generation business archive’s main protagonist is Iššar-tarībi/Bunene-ibni (8 Cyr-23 Dar) and other known family members are his brother Bēl-uballiṭ, his mother Sudduštu, his wife Raˀumma and his son Bēl-iddin. This archive consists of (so far) twenty-five tablets in the British Museum, Birmingham, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, the Morgan Collection and in the (former) collection of the Revillout brothers. There are no property documents for real estate or prebends.

The principal activity documented is trade through the means of harrānu business partnerships, as well as some money lending. The trade goods were apparently agricultural staples, wool and beer, but detailed information is lacking. The geographical scope of the archive reaches as far as Humadešu in Iran. There is evidence for taxes being paid by Iššar-tarībi and his brother. Land owned (or rented) by the family is not mentioned explicitly anywhere, nor is there a clear sign of any contacts to the Ebabbar.

Associated tablets